Fast Track 2

Fast Track 2 : Fast track procedures for approval of trade agreements were included by Congress in trade legislation in 1974, in 1979, and again in the 1988 Trade Act. Fast track provides two guarantees essential to the successful negotiation of trade agreements: (1) a vote on implementing legislation within a fixed period of time, and (2) a vote, up or down, with no amendments to that legislation. Provisions in the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988 include that the foreign country request negotiation of an FTA and that the President give the Congress a 60-legislative-day notice of intent to negotiate an FTA. During the 60-legislative-day period, either committee can disapprove fast track authority by a majority vote. Disapproval would likely end the possibility of FTA negotiations. The 60-legislative-days can translate into five to ten months of calendar time, depending on the Congressional schedule. Formal negotiations would begin following this 60-day Congressional consideration period
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