Strategic Management Perspective

Strategic Management Perspective : "The strategic management perspective is characterized as a long-term process for developing a continuing commitment to the mission and vision of an organization, nurturing a culture that identifies with and supports the mission and vision, and maintaining a clear focus on the organization's strategic agenda throughout all its decision processes and activities". (Choi, "Emergency Management: Implications from a Strategic Management Perspective". Journal of HLS and EM, Vol. 5, Issue 1, Article 1, 2008, 1). "?although there exist different perspectives on strategic management, most approaches contain several common elements. First, strategic management is characterized by strategic planning but not limited to it. Second, strategic management links planning and budgeting. Third, successful implementation of strategic management requires an assessment of organizational capacities in such areas as managerial capability, power structure, culture, and leadership". (Ibid, 5). "Recent emergency management practice demands that more strategic approaches and management should be utilized than before. What benefits can we get from integrating strategic management into emergency management?.... the following aspects can be considered: forward thinking, professionalization, capacity building, goal identification and achievement, increased public support, more funding, and increased accountability". (Ibid, 8)
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