Alcohol & Drug Testing

Alcohol & Drug Testing : Employers often seek the right to be able to randomly breath test employees in an attempt to reduce the incidence of drunkenness in the workplace as part of the occupational health and safety policy. In Re AMEU v Newlands Coal Pty Ltd; Coal Industry Tribunal, Bacon C. 14/01/94 the employer required that AMEU members participate in an Alcohol Awareness Program, which involved random breath testing (RBT). The Union argued that this is a breach of civil liberties and, therefore, was an unfair work policy. The Tribunal determined that the scheme was not introduced to catch and sack employees. The RBT is part of a much wider strategy to modify employee behaviour with the result that employee's don't attend for work under the influence of alcohol. Employees are already required by statute to attend for work free from the influence of alcohol and drugs to an extent that they can perform their work safely
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