Quart (qt) [2]

Quart (qt) [2] :

A unit of volume, smaller than the standard quart [1], used for measuring wine. Wine bottles have often been called "quarts," although they were smaller than standard quarts. In the U.S., wine was often measured by thechampagne quart, which contains only 26 U.S. fluid ounces instead of 32. This is equivalent to about 46.92 cubic inches or approximately 768.912 milliliters. In Britain, wine was sold by the reputed quart. Following the establishment of Imperial measure, the reputed quart was fixed at 2/3 Imperial quart, which is equivalent to 1/6 Imperial gallon, exactly 26 2/3 fluid ounces, about 46.24 cubic inches, or 757.682 milliliters (this is nearly identical to the U.S. fifth). These measures have mostly disappeared in favor of the international wine bottle, which contains exactly 750 milliliters

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